Holy Cow are the deals amazing right now! It seems that every time I buyers are facing a decision of what is the BEST solution for acquiring a property these days.  One of these sources are  online and on premises Auctions (non-FHA.)  So here’s a little info on non-FHA auctions:

#1: As a buyer, you can have a buyers agent represent you on an auction transaction just like another transaction and in almost all cases, you’re not paying additional percentage for their expertise.  You’re paying a fee to the auction house called a buyer’s premium that is usually in the neighborhood of 5%, and will be charged whether you hired an expert to assist you or not.

#2: Auctions can be a great deal – but you need to be comfortable with what risks are involved and be ready to act! Auctions will almost always have a period of time (sometimes only 1 short window) when you can view the property.  View this with your agent to ensure you know what risks are built into the property to the best of your knowledge.   Most of the time, auctions are set as a final sale so you DO NOT have the ability to have an inspection and your offer is not contingent upon anything.  Meaning, when your final bid is accepted you owe the down payment (usually a set minimum or 10% whatever is greater) and the rest is due within 30 days. 

#3: As a result of these items they are not for the novice or the faint of heart. Ask yourself, if I obligated myself to an $80k debt tomorrow, what risks am I willing to take? What am I not willing to do? If the minuses out weigh the pluses, move on.

#4: Just like eBay, sometimes home auctions can create frenzy that pushes the price far beyond what you would have paid in a non-auction situation.  It’s important to set your parameters before going into the auction so you know when its time to pack up and stop bidding.

Auctions, can be a tremendous way to obtain wonderful deals, but often these homes are going to auction for a reason, so its important to check with a professional who can get you history on the property, the area and know what your potential upside is going forward.

FHA auctions are something completely different with contingencies allowed.  Stay tuned for more information on these, or simply email us.

Happy hunting!

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