The last 30 days of numbers (August 2024) are now in. August ’23 vs Aug ’24 showed in increase of 6.76% in Average SOLD Price. New listings are up by about 10% on average (the areas further out from Grand Rapids have seen more of increase in listings vs those closer in to Grand Rapids where 10% is about the average number of homes on the market.) Days on market is about the same as last year (16 days instead of 13) statistically this is 23% increase and therefore somewhat reflective of the increased options buyers have laid out in front of them.

The full report is now available online here: Market Trends Report August 2024

The significance of the true market numbers is dictated by the activity in your immediate area. Bottomline – while these numbers are helpful to be aware of – let’s talk about the impact on your specific real estate goals 🙂

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