Is Your Credit Ready for Mortgage Approval? Often I find that buyers and some sellers can be caught off guard and it makes me sick to think that a little research upfront could avoid the emotional rollercoaster that sometimes ensues. My #1 suggestion for buyers and sellers is to get preapproved before you start looking (and for sellers who plan on purchasing again, get prepaproved before listing your home.) Why? Because recent studies show 79% of credit reports contain errors. Errors that can affect your ability to preapproved for the rate you deserve or may potentially place you in a position of not qualifying right away. If you’ve already found the “house of your dreams” but now cannot qualify, its a heart breaking experience that could have been prevented.

Its with this thought in mind that I am providing the following link to a FREE Do-It Yourself Credit Restoration Guide.

“I don’t need to restore my credit, its just fine!” That maybe true but this guide will show you ways that you might not have considered for raising your score or even alternative forms of credit you may not have considered.

Regardless of your position on debt, we live in a credit based world where you credit score can literally cost you or save you thousands – the choice is yours. Put the power in your hands by learning more today!

The details on the FREE Do-It Yourself Credit Restoration Guide:

Courtesy of John Rice, this is a FREE Do-It Yourself Credit Restoration Guide. This report will help you restore your credit and raise your credit scores for mortgage approval.

*Mortgage and Credit Score Requirements
*How to Raise Your Credit Score
*Common Mistakes to Avoid
*Identity Theft – How Protect Your Credit and Identity
*Recent study shows 79% of Credit Reports have errors, correct yours today.

Follow this link to help you raise your score for mortgage approval

FREE Do-It Yourself Credit Restoration Guide

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