In real estate we use the last 30 days to analyze trends year over year. One comparison is to look at the same month this year vs last year. In looking at February, 2024 vs 2023 we see that the overall average sales price is up 15.66% over that of ’23. The low inventory number have reflect a reduction in the NUMBER of sales that have closed – Feb 23 had almost 23% more sales. The fact that there are fewer houses on the market and that buyer continue to want to move into our region causes the pressure on the sales price to drive up…. everyone wants the 1 house that’s listed….

Keep in mind that historically February is a month with the LEAST amount of homes on the market, so we are gearing up for more inventory – good news for buyers overall. The market should continue to trend as a seller’s market where buyers need to be prepared and be ready to be competitive against other buyers.

So what you can you do to WIN in today’s market? Let’s talk! There are some simple ways to be sure you are ready and prepared for today’s market. Having negotiated hundreds of millions of sales dollars – we can put experience to work for you and guide you toward success!

You can read the full report here: GR MI AREA MARKET UPDATE

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