Recently you may have heard about Freddie Mac’s abrupt cancellations of short sales. Perhaps this might have happened to someone you know looking to purchase or sell their home and now involved in a cancellation.
To truly understand the background behind this change I invite you to read here:

The bottom line is its imperative to have a strategy in place to avoid the triggers that may cause the short sale to be canceled. Currently Freddie Mac has made a decision that if the home has already gone through sheriff’s sale then short sales will only be considered on a case by case basis. Previously, in michigan, homeowners were continuing through short sale after the sheriffs sale. However that will no longer be the norm.
What does this mean? It means if you know of someone facing this situation its imperative they speak with a real estate professional sooner rather than later. If foreclosure proceeding are already started it might be too late, so taking taking action preferably 3-6 months prior to this will allow for the proper strategy to be put in place.

As is the case with every single real estate transaction, each case is different, so talking through specifics is key!

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