It’s a pleasure to report that the market is humming along at very Spring like pace. Buyers and Sellers both appear to be motivated enough to take action. Sellers are being reasonable on their demands for list price and buyers are picking up their searches for mid to late summer. Looking back to February there was talk that we may have an extremely slow summer after the expiration of the tax credit. However, while I don’t anticipate us breaking any records this summer, it does as seem as the fears of a complete market shut down were not justified. Why? Because real estate, specifically residential real estate, moves at the pace of life! When you’re a first time home buyer and you’re thinking about buying a home, but you have a wedding to plan, graduations to attend to, masters programs to apply for….etc, things get in the way of an April 30th deadline to get an extra $8k – but you’re still going to buy a home later that summer. The beauty is often, that home frees the owner of that home to buy the next level up and so the story goes. The second time home buyer (the move-up buyer) continues to expand their family, aspire for a larger home, etc…and the move-up recognizes that it’s a down market; they might not get as much for their home but the one they are buying is also heavily discounted! Lastly, the down sizing buyer; this is the class most affected by this down market. This is the class that is selling their home to the second home buyer at a discount and turning around a buying a condo or smaller home (usually less in price than their current home) so the percentage off the market norm has a greater affect on their net out of pocket cost – but they need to move or their desire to move outweighs the loss. And so the market goes.
The tail end of the market in April saw a heat up in homes under $165,000 (the heaviest of the first home buyer market) as a result this price range and below may experience a slight market decline (possibly 5%) in value, as some of the latest sales were boosted in value and desirability simply due to the $8k tax incentive offered by the tax credit.
Anticipate this summer to be steady, and pending any major changes in how banks are handling short sales and foreclosures, no real major dips in the market.

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